Monday, May 4, 2020

Make Banner for YouTube Channel Art Using Photoshop

Photoshop is Adobe's photo editing, image creation and graphic design software. The tutorial talks about making banner for YouTube channel art using Photoshop CS4 or CS6. Photoshop layers are important to any design workflow since they are used to work on individual parts of an image while not affecting other parts.
We have tools to be used in making banner for YouTube Channel Art.

clone stamp1. Clone Stamp tool selected, position the cursor over the area you want to clone and then Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac) to define the clone source.

move tool

                  2. Move tool is located at the top left of the Photoshop Toolbox. V                        is the shortcut key.

ruler tool
               3. Ruler tool appears. Click at a starting location for the first line                     and drag  to the end location.

make banner

4. Marquee Tool - allows you to draw or edit rectangular and elliptical selections. M is the shortcut key.

transform in photoshop
5. Free Transform command lets you apply transformations (rotate, scale, skew, distort, and perspective) in one continuous operation. Ctrl T is the shortcut key.

text tool        
        6. Text Tool. This tool allows text to be typed onto the current layer using the     primary color. T is the shortcut key.

blur tool         7. Blur tool. In Photoshop smooths out rough edges and removes grainy areas on your images and graphics.


gradient tool
8. Gradient tool creates a gradual blend between multiple colors.G is   the shortcut key.

eraser tool
9. Eraser Tool. The eraser is basically a brush which erases pixels as you   drag it across the image. E is the shortcut key.

In order to understand better click the YouTube video link here on how to make banner in Photoshop.

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